Kolkata (or Calcutta, if you are still suffering from the Colonial Hangover) is popularly known as the city of joy. Now that name definitely baffles many, and maybe rightfully so. When an average person visits from abroad or even places like Bangalore or New Delhi, the first things that he notices are dilapidated buildings, pathetic public amenities, lax public administration, potholed roads, overflowing drains etc etc etc. Add to that the perceived laziness and "chalta hai" attitude of the city dwellers, now can we really blame outsiders?
I am not just making things up. This was exactly my story four years back, when I shifted to Kolkata from Bangalore. The familiar sense of despair and frustration quickly engulfed me in. Add to that the daily grind of travelling in over crowded metro/bus to and from the office, and you have enough ingredient to make even the most cool person lose his sanity.
But there's more to the story than what just meets the eye. Sure, the surface is rough and dirty but care to scratch below that and you will begin to notice something different. The same lazy, lungi-clad, bare chested ruffian, whom you despised a minute ago, will show unrivaled enthusiasm in showing you the address that you desperately searched in Google Maps without success, the dirty, dinghy "Cha wala", where normally you won't even stop, will invite you in his shop for a rest from the blazing sun, welcoming you with a warm and generous smile, the cranky old fellow sitting by your side in a Non-Ac Metro, who won't stop blabbering about mundane stuff, will suddenly start showing enthusiasm in telling you the history of this city.
Then the realisation takes place. Its not the place, monuments, amenities that makes it the city of joy. Its the people. It takes time to settle down and realize. But once it happens, you won't even know when you fell in love with this city. In my case, my love grew more and more through the view-finder of my camera. There's nothing quite like roaming the lanes and by-lanes of Kolkata, a camera in hand, in the company of fellow-minded people. I am just sharing some of the glimpses that I captured over the time. But, it is not the end of this journey for me. I shall continue this love-affair, hopefully for a long time to come. So, this is not the last diary of its kind here, but the first is always special isn't it?

What do you think about the images? Or if you are from Kolkata or have visited Kolkata, what do you love (or even hate) about this city? Please let me know about your thoughts by leaving comments below.
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